Wednesday 15 April 2015

Interview with my Grandparents

Whoo, first blog post.  I've been thinking about starting one for a while now because occasionally I have things to say and apparently Facebook's Notes function doesn't work properly anymore...
The purpose of this, my very first blog, is to celebrate the life of my grandfather, Clifford Roy Carter.  Way back in my second year at Millar College of the Bible, I took a Historical Books class and one of our assignments was to interview a parent or a grandparent about their lives and comment on how that has shaped me personally.  Both my grandparents had been visiting for my older brother's wedding and so I sat down with them to ask them a few questions.  Unfortunately, I don't have an actual transcript of the conversation (yes, the linguist within is weeping), but I do have the assignment I handed in later.  This was the very last visit I had with my grandma before she passed away and, although I am sad that Grandpa has now followed her, I am not sad that they have now had their reunion in heaven.